Six years ago, I went on a mission to learn how to write a novel. I’d been writing since I was a kid, but I couldn’t finish 1 book for 15 years.

When I finally learned how to finish a book, it took me another 3 years to write and revise it.

That book got 63 rejections from literary agents.

I knew it would never be published, and I knew I didn’t want to spend four more years struggling through the same process. I was desperate to learn how to take an idea and turn it into a novel in an efficient way.

I wanted to know how to make my ideas marketable from the beginning instead of waiting four years to find out they would never be published.

I wanted clear exercises and workbooks instead of broad lectures so I could easily apply what I learned to my novel.

I wanted one place that I could go to learn everything instead of piecing the knowledge together through blogs, books on writing, and the occasional (and expensive!) writer’s conference.

I couldn’t find a course like that. So I decided to create one.

In this online masterclass are all the lessons that took me from being a writer who’d spent 15 years unable to finish one book to a 2x #1 New York Times bestselling author with a Hugo and a Nebula award.

Let me show you the techniques to planning, plotting, and finishing your novel that allowed me to write the series that Disney’s Fox and Lucasfilms are currently adapting into a movie.

If you’ve been struggling to turn your story idea into a full fledged novel, this is where your struggle ends. Don’t let all those unfinished stories sit on your computer.

Join The Writer’s Roadmap and start making your writing dreams a reality today